
The religious town of Arrothburg regularly burns witches, but as far as Arden knows she’s the only witch for miles. She keeps to her cabin in the surrounding woods with the company of her patron spirits and the occasional clandestine visitor who comes seeking her help.

Verity is a pious girl who has reluctantly taken the role of taking care of her family since her mother was burned for witchcraft six years ago. Dealing with debilitating pain during her monthly bleeding has got her questioning why she deserves such punishment from God. After an encounter with Arden, she starts having visions of the truths behind other people’s lies, and it will push them both out of their comfort zones.

Cover of This too Shall Burn by Cat Rector

Title: This Too Shall Burn

Author: Cat Rector

Series: N/A

Pages: 267

Publication date‏: ‎September 13, 2023

“It’s all right to ask me, but it’s also a private thing and not something that God wants us to speak openly about. It’s a dirty thing.”
(…) “If it’s dirty, why did God give it to us?”
“It keeps us humble. (…) It reminds us to stay in God’s good graces and to be of service.”
“Do men have a moon cycle?”


I loved Arden. She’s tired of everyone’s shit and more patient than I’ll ever be when dealing with people who publicly scorn her but go to her when in need of quality healthcare. She is a healer for the townspeople since their doctor is selfish and careless while also taking credit for Arden’s efforts on their shared patients.

The church is controlling, puritanical, and misogynistic; it spurns freedom and self-expression, and its leader speaks of a punishing God who asks women to serve the men… you get the gist.

Verity feels guilt for the sin of taking time for herself at the price of ignoring her responsibilities as the primary caretaker of her father and siblings. She starts questioning the life that has been forced upon her and the societal expectations of women. I didn’t like her that much at first until she started showing her frustration.

Did I mention they’re both queer?

If I’ve got one complaint, is I would’ve liked to explore more of the main characters and their world and even the villains who don’t get as much “screen time”.

This Too Shall Burn questions the status quo of gender roles and shines a light on the issue women (and other marginalized communities) face of their pain and suffering being ignored. Unfortunately, medical neglect against women is not limited to fantasy but is a reality that should fill us all with rage and make us want to burn everything down.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

CW: chronic illness, misogyny, religious bigotry, emotional abuse, blood, medical content, medical trauma, death, cursing, injury, violence, murder, animal death, fire, gore, infidelity, sexual content, colonialism.

Tiny Elf Approved stamp picturing a steaming tea cup with leaves. All in blue shades.

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