"2 years of Tiny Elf Arcanist" with a doodle illustration of someone carrying a cake.

It’s been two wonderful years of blogging and promoting indie books. There are many things I wish I had known before I started this blog, but I’m thankful for everything I’ve learned ever since. Once again, I’m celebrating the whole month with a TEA (Tiny Elf Arcanist) Party as I did last year. What does this mean? You should expect a guest post every Monday and Friday (from lovely indie authors), and a new entry for The “Woke” Agenda every Wednesday.

All the reviews I share here are of indie books because I know they have a hard time finding an audience. I started the blog on June 1st for a different couple of reasons. First, it is when SPFBO (Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off) starts, and since SPFBO is the most prominent indie fantasy contest I thought it fitting when indie fantasy is mostly what you’ll find in here. It also coincided that year with the starting date for the fun Summer Reading Challenge hosted by the Indie Fantasy Addicts group on Facebook. Last but not least…


I’m proud of myself (pun intended) for sticking to this little project of mine (even when I’ve had a few slow spells), but I’ll admit that sometimes it feels like shouting into the void, and after all the time and money spent on the blog it can be disheartening; it all pays off when someone says they like my posts or that I helped them discover a new author they love. So keep shouting out for those content creators you love. It makes a difference.

What can you find on Tiny Elf Arcanist?

If you’re new to my blog and want to know what I’ve been talking about, here’s a quick recap of what I’ve done and you can expect more of.

Thank you all reading this for being part of this blog’s community as a reader, to all the people in the indie sphere who have participated in my post ideas, to the contests and events organizers, and to all the bloggers out there who share the love of reading and promoting books.

One response to “Two Years of Tiny Elf Arcanist”

  1. (Kitty) Cat Strawberry - Meow! Avatar

    Congratulations on 2 years and happy blogiversary! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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