
Myndil wants nothing more in life than to tell everyone willing (or not) about his love for God. And while love for God is all the abbot is about, Myndil’s eagerness may be too much even for him. The abbot’s plans to make Myndil’s orphanage his new home are the catalyst to send Myndil on a missionary adventure, in the hope he never comes back.

Cover of The Misadventures of Myndil Plodostirr by Michelle Franklin

Title: The Misadventures of Myndil Plodostirr

Author: Michelle Franklin

Series: N/A

Pages: 251

Publication date‏: ‎August 15, 2022

God gave you free will so he could punish you. If God made everyone love him, God would not have a job.


This book’s humour is accurately compared to that of Pratchett’s books.

Myndil is a neurodivergent young man too good for his own well-being. This hero’s superpower is loving anything and anyone who crosses his path. Oh, and he also talks to God and God talks back to him.

He enjoys sleeping on some big lady’s bosom, rambles to whoever has ears, and befriends fae. He’s surrounded by wacky characters with unpronounceable names, and there also may be a couple of goodbois interested in attending Hanukkah.

When I started the book, Myndil reminded me of myself (without the God stuff). I too was a weird kid who was too much and knew more than I should. But I can only wish to be half as kind and pure as Myndil.

He also reminded me of Anne of the Green Gables: everything is extraordinary and he just can’t shut up about it. Give Myndil a chance. You, like most people he encounters, will love to hate him and hate to love him.

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Tiny Elf Approved stamp picturing a steaming tea cup with leaves. All in blue shades.

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