
When strange happenings start occurring all around Lunette, Prince Cricket decides to take matters into his own hands. Accompanied by his loyal knight, Ignacia, he’s determined to solve the mysteries threatening his kingdom’s fate.

Title: The Prince of Starlight

Author: Lou Wilham

Series: The Heir to Moondust #1

Pages: 472

Publication date‏: ‎ December 15, 2021


The prologue recounts Cricket’s story, written with the beauty of a legend lost in time.

Following a charismatic queer elf (not me) with a sincere dimpled smile, it’s a sweet and funny tale of found family and determination. Filled with cute encounters with a dashing white knight, lovers of the grumpy/sunshine trope may find it captivating.

People love me! I’m very lovable! Lovable and cute.

-Prince Cricket

(I’m still not convinced Cricket isn’t based on myself.)

There’s not a lot of action, but enough mystique to trap you in. The author seemed to have fun writing interactions between Prince Cricket and his sisters/best friends.

I loved this book. It made me feel all mushy and keep thinking about the characters even after the end. Fortunately, Cricket’s story is still not over.

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Tiny Elf Approved stamp picturing a steaming tea cup with leaves. All in blue shades.

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