Trudie Skies’s The Cruel Gods universe includes 12 different races. Tru talks about how each of these races approach gender and sexuality.

Sex and Gender in The Cruel Gods. By Trudie Skies.

CW: non-detailed anatomical descriptions of genitals, misogyny, xenophobia, sexism, pregnancy, mention of sexual situations, transphobia, abuse of power.

The best thing about creating a fantasy world is that you can imagine whatever you want. A fantasy world doesn’t need to be constrained by the rules or bigotries of real life. In the unlimited potential of your imagination, a fantasy world can be a reflection of the reality you want to see. It can be wish fulfilment. It can be a whispered prayer, a hope, a spark, of who YOU want to be.

When I set out to create the world of the Cruel Gods, I wanted to create twelve unique races, each belonging to a magical realm or domain that match the twelve hours of a clock. Each is ruled by an all-powerful deity—twelve gods in all. These races have their own physical differences, magical powers, customs, and social issues. The story of The Cruel Gods takes place in Chime, a city separate from the domains of the gods where all twelve domains co-exist peacefully—or try to! Naturally this makes for an interesting social mix, and when you have races with anatomical differences, then this becomes VERY interesting. As a result, most mortals across the domains are pansexual.

The gods set out rules for their mortal subjects to obey. Most allow their mortals to engage in relationships outside their domain, but others do not. As the gods own their mortals’ souls—quite literally—mortals cannot have children with other mortals outside their domain, which makes contraception unnecessary. Different domains also have different approaches to procreation.

So let’s take a tour of the domains and become quite familiar with the twelve races, should you ever find yourself looking for a date in Chime!

Warning: the rest of this article will mention genitals in some detail and contain foul language.

  1. The Amnae
  2. The Fauna
  3. The Umber
  4. The Glimmer
  5. The Seren
  6. The Necro
  7. The Zephyr
  8. The Leander
  9. The Ember
  10. The Vesper
  11. The Mesmer
  12. The Diviner

1. The Amnae

The Amnae are a fish-inspired race who need special adaptations to breathe the air of Chime. Whilst they make remarkable swimmers, the Amnae’s true power lies in their ability to examine and manipulate memories. This can make them difficult to trust. They come from the domain of Memoria, an underwater city. The Amnae are one of the more unique races since they can breathe underwater and are quite alien-looking. They appear in male or female forms, though the Amnae don’t have any rigid gender roles, and so non-binary Amnae aren’t considered unusual.

They are a serious and studious race, thus your first impression may be that they aren’t ones for casual dating. However, they take family life quite seriously. Amnae women are unique in that they become pregnant with tadpole-like spawn, often between three-six at a time, that they must then birth into a pool. Amnae children remain inside a pool as they learn to breathe and their fishy tails eventually separate, turning into a set of legs.

Due to their constant need for moisture, Amnae dress in cool clothing and have pipes installed into their homes that spray mist. Many Amnae prefer to remain naked and only dress for the sake of polite society. Visit their home, and not only will the humidity get you, but the sight of translucent flapping cocks will also be a surprise, for an Amnae’s skin has a jellyfish-like quality to it! Despite this, don’t worry, they do still get hard.

2. The Fauna

The Fauna are animal shifters who can instantaneously change into an animal persona, or a half-human, half-animal hybrid. Many have animalistic instincts and struggle to adapt to Chime’s polite society. They come from the domain of Juniper, a treacherous jungle. Fauna are wild and free. They don’t always understand normal etiquette, and unfortunately, this means that the Fauna sit at the bottom of Chime’s social hierarchy and are often taken advantage of. Both male and female Fauna are often employed in cat cafes, which are Fauna brothels where Fauna take on the form of sexually preferred half-animal forms, such as cat girls or bunny boys, for the pleasure of paying customers. They are heavily fetishized for their animal-shifting ability and playful nature.

From the jungles of Juniper, Fauna often live in big family-like clans. To them, family is a village where everyone pitches in to raise children, and so, many Fauna relationships are polyamorous. While jealousy doesn’t arise often, some Fauna do bond as a ‘mated’ pair, similar to marriage.

Due to their shape-shifting nature, Fauna don’t really care about gender. They cannot change their physical body between sexes, but many Fauna are genderfluid or trans. Same-sex relationships are completely normal to the free-loving Fauna!

Fauna are also known for eating their enemies—literally—so watch out for their bite!

3. The Umber

The Umber are a stone golem-inspired race, though some resemble natural trees and have leaves or vines for hair and flowers for eyebrows. Their strength makes them ideal laborers, though they can also instantly grow and manipulate plant life. They come from the domain of Heartstone, full of picturesque mountains and valleys. The Umber are quite traditional and take family values seriously. They stick to rigid gender roles where female Umber raise large families as men toil away. To an Umber, following tradition and working hard are important for the benefit of society.

Not all Umber are dutiful. Some Umber do date outside their domain and with their own sex, though this is frowned upon.

As Umber males are the largest of all the domains, thanks to their massive stone-like bodies, they also have the biggest cocks. Sadly, they’re too shy to do much with them. A night with an Umber could result in a few cracked ribs, since they don’t always recognize their own strength.

4. The Glimmer

The Glimmer are a high elf-inspired race that glow with sunlight and can also summon and use sunlight as a deadly weapon. Glimmer are exclusively female and are the most pious of all the domains. Their natural riches and snotty disposition has put them at the top of Chime’s social class. They come from the domain of Solaris, full of harsh sunlight and cathedrals. Glimmer are completely devoted to their god, but don’t be fooled into thinking this makes them prudes.

The Glimmer worship the female form. Despite their virtue, they choose to display their bodies with as little clothing as they can, as to them, the female body is divine. Their cathedrals are covered in statues and art depicting naked women. They consider themselves superior to males, which is unfortunate—their god forbids any kind of intimate relationship with males of any domain. While dating within their domain is preferred, Glimmer are allowed to date women of other domains, even casually.

Then how are children made? Simple. A loving Glimmer couple can pray to their god for a pregnancy, and then one of them will be magically impregnated. In fact, their god is quite hands-on when choosing mortals to bear children, sometimes even against their will. Most Glimmer consider it a blessing to receive a daughter, but not all. Those who attempt to abort their magically gifted baby are severely punished.

There are no male Glimmer… Or are there? Those who cross the gender lines do so in secret, fearful of their god.

5. The Seren

The Seren are a cherub-inspired race and are the shortest of the domains, averaging at 4-foot in height. They have pastel-coloured skin and wings they use to get around. Seren are incredibly artistic, however they are banned from singing due to their siren-like manipulation. They come from Arcadia, a collection of Greek-like paradise islands. The Seren are romantic poets who embrace art. Naturally, this means they also experiment with sex and gender.

Seren swap their gender at will, and can even pray to their god to change sex if they get bored. Many Seren are genderfluid and may swap genders throughout the week, ensuring to update friends and family on their preferred pronouns. In recent times, Seren have also experimented with wearing different colours to express their gender and make it easier for their non-Seren friends to keep up.

While Seren do marry and form families, they also express a desire for free love and engage in casual sex with one another. However, Seren rarely date outside their domain. This is because physically, they resemble younger mortals, and they consider anyone who wants to date a Seren either a pervert or a fetishist. Their smaller size also puts them at a disadvantage, though the power of their song means they can defend themselves with coercive singing, which makes them very dangerous.

6. The Necro

The Necro are an undead-inspired race. Whilst not technically dead, their skin is deathly pale and cold and they do not need to breathe. They can manipulate the physiology of mortal bodies, however they also hunger for flesh and blood. They come from the domain of Witheryn, a frozen wasteland. Necro are perhaps the most feared of all domains due to their taste for blood and their predatory nature.

Necro are beautiful. Stunningly alluring in an uncanny way that sets off most mortal’s alarm bells. They can paralyze you with a touch, and before you know it, their fangs are at your throat. Most mortals thus keep the Necro at a distance, trusting them only for their ability to heal.

The Necro body works differently from others. They are cold-blooded, and males can only get an erection after drinking enough blood to sustain one. Some more adventurous mortals seek out Necro because they’re scary, for the pleasure found in pain, and these fetishists engage in what’s colloquially known as a ‘feed and fuck’ – allowing a Necro to feed on you in exchange for a good time.

7. The Zephyr

The Zephyr are a bird-inspired race with massive wings that allow them to fly. Most Zephyr are obsessed with technology, however, and spend their lives inventing new gadgets. They hate small talk. They come from the domain of Tempest, a sky world of floating islands and airships. Like the Amnae, the Zephyr are unique in their physiology and are the only domain who lay and hatch eggs.

Most Zephyr do not care for intimate relationships and fit within the asexual spectrum, as they’d rather pursue more creative and intellectual hobbies. Despite their disinterest, they care for their children, and have a similar approach to the Fauna when it comes to raising them. The Zephyr airships each have a hatchery where eggs can be raised and hatched together.

Zephyr are allowed to date outside their domain, but most don’t bother. For one, sexual relations with a Zephyr become quite awkward due to the feathers and wings. Though they have a bird-like form with a beak and talons, they also possess genitals for sex.

8. The Leander

The Leander are a lion-inspired race with sharp teeth and claws who value challenge and competition. They often engage in sports and take every opportunity to dominate the other domains and prove themselves superior. They come from the domain of Obituary, a harsh desert. The Leander are a proper bunch of lads, the kind you’ll see staggering out of the pub and wolf-whistling anyone that walks past. The men have large manes, whereas the women don’t, thus the men are known for being domineering and sexist while leaving the women to raise the cubs back home.

The women of other domains know to keep an eye on any Leander nearby, though not all Leander are assholes. Many are charming, and use their natural charm to get into someone’s pants. Unfortunately, the Leander, like most cats, have penile spines on their cocks. That makes an encounter in their bed quite a prickly experience that not all mortals appreciate.

Leander engage in same-sex relationships just as frequently as hetero ones. They don’t care where they put their cock, so long as they’re satisfied.

9. The Ember

The Ember are a tiefling/succubus-inspired race with the power to summon and manipulate flame. They are the sinners of Chime and enjoy throwing parties and indulging in pleasure and passion. They come from the domain of Rapture, an underground volcano full of brothels and casinos. The Ember are sin incarnate. To their god, NOT sinning is considered a sin, and so an Ember is always up for a good time and is ready to indulge in anything, from drugs to sex.

Ember are the most sexualized domain of all. Both men and women work within brothels and theatres as sex workers. They have an extremely casual approach to sex, usually not getting too attached to a single partner for long. Many are genderfluid or ambiguous, with men often wearing makeup. They are also the only domain to have intersex mortals, with mortals possessing varied genitals.

While Ember are encouraged to fuck mortals of other domains, many don’t form long-lasting relationships. Their ability to summon fire makes them hot-headed and jealous lovers!

10. The Vesper

The Vesper are a dark elf-inspired race and the masters of dusk. Considered to be a grumpy lot, the Vesper prefer dark places and can summon and manipulate shadows. They’re known as mushroom-peddlers and pickpockets. They come from the domain of Eventide, a mushroom forest of perpetual dusk. The Vesper are the ‘down and out’ domain, only above the Fauna in terms of social standing. This is partly due to their sinister ability to summon shadow, and partly because they are the natural enemies of the Glimmer. This means they often lurk within Chime’s slums.

While the Glimmer love to flaunt their bodies, the Vesper, especially Vesper women, are forced to hide theirs behind shawls due to the jealous nature of their god, who demands that only she can be gazed upon and worshipped, not her mortals. The Vesper are thus quite reserved. While they are allowed to date outside their race, they rarely do. They do, however, form very tight-knit and loyal relationships, and like the Ember, they enjoy indulging in sin, usually behind closed doors.

Unlike other domains, Vesper families must gain permission from their god before they can have children, and doing so often comes with a price.

11. The Mesmer

The Mesmer are dreamers who are often confused by reality and prefer to nap instead. They can travel between their own dreams and manipulate the dreams of others. They enjoy candy and regularly suffer from visions and nightmares. They come from the domain of Phantasy, an observatory among the stars. Mesmer are the precious beans of the domains and must be protected at all costs, though many other mortals find them strange as the Mesmer aren’t quite all there. This is because the Mesmer view reality differently from everyone else. Many of them are neurodiverse, and they can struggle to understand the rules of polite society.

Most Mesmer are non-binary and don’t identify with any particular gender, choosing to dress in gender-neutral clothes. Many consider themselves to be on the asexual spectrum, though remain panromantic and form close romantic and platonic bonds with each other, sometimes in polyamorous groups. They’re not forbidden from dating outside of their domain, but not many are willing to share a bed with a Mesmer due to their penchant for entering dreams.

Mesmer don’t birth children. When new Mesmer are born, their god ‘creates’ them at an older age with the knowledge and memories needed to begin their new life as a young adult.

12. The Diviner

The Diviner are masters of time, which puts them at the top of Chime’s political hierarchy. Diviner are mostly male, commonly with metallic silver skin, and they value logic and order. They can manipulate short pockets of time and also view the past and future of other mortals through touch, which means most domains tend to keep a distance from them, lest they get handsy. They come from the domain of Kronos, a clockpunk utopia. The Diviner are the most powerful of the domains as they can pause time at the drop of a hat. Being in charge of Chime means they possess a sense of authority most find off-putting.

While Diviner are largely male, some female Diviner do exist. Diviner society, however, is a strict patriarchy, as they view and refer to their god as their ‘father’ meaning that women aren’t as respected. They share the Glimmer’s sense of virtue and believe that sin should be avoided and punished, values that they try to force on the other domains in Chime with varying success. But like most pious men, they choose to sin indoors, and same-sex relationships are common between Diviner men. Some do date outside their domain, though it’s frowned upon. Female Diviner are often forced into arranged marriages.

Despite their views on sin, Diviner make generous lovers, as they can slow time to heighten their lover’s pleasure.

As with the Mesmer, Diviner rarely birth children, and instead new children are ‘created’ by their god with the lessons needed to manipulate time without abusing it. The Diviner have a moral creed to never pause time for selfish or harmful reasons, but not all Diviner are pious…

Check out Tru’s The Cruel Gods series

The Thirteenth Hour

Cover of The Thirteen Hour by Trudie Skies

The Children of Chaos

Cover of The Children of Chaos by Trudie Skies

If you’d like to know more about the domains in Chime and the people who inhabit them, you can check Trudie Skies’s website. They also made a quiz to know which domain you would belong to!

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